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Things I Learned About: January 2024 Edition

Posted on:January 29, 2024 at 10:18 PM


Zed šŸ’•

If you hadnā€™t heard of it before, Zed is a new-ish code editor created by the ones who brought us Atom - a wonderful editor in its own right for the time - and Tree-sitter, a parser generator that has arguably been extremely important in the code editor space to aid in its understanding of source code (highlighting and the like). Iā€™m using it right now!

Iā€™ll not be able to espouse the true delights of Zed beyond the cliffnotes version:

I donā€™t know if it will become my every day driver, but it excited me that there might be a new completely open source competitor that can unseat VS Code. Learn more about Zed here and the Zed codebase here on GH.

shadcn/ui ā€¼

shadcn/ui made big waves in the community recently. A few of the newsletters Iā€™m on were glowing about it, and on YouTube was pumped on it too. Iā€™ve yet to use it, but the business proposition of a UI ā€œlibraryā€ that scaffolds components for you to customize on your own is amazing. Just a little cli call and POW new component file added to your project.

Suffice it to say, I want to spend more time looking at it.

Gamepad API ā‰

Iā€™m constantly surprised by APIs that I didnā€™t know existed, and during a recent MDN rabbithole session, I ā€œdiscoveredā€ the Gamepad API. As someone who has long intended but never delivered to develop some small web games, learning that the Gamepad API exists made me smile.

Itā€™s basic usage is mostly intuitive - an event is dispatched when a new controller is connected or disconnected, gamepadconnected and gamepaddisconnected. After connecting, a method on the navigator object attached to the window called, unsurprisingly, getGamepads.

getGamepads returns a Gamepad object that exposes a few important properties like buttons and axes that can then be handled in game code to perform actions on the player character or in the game overall.

Anyway, Iā€™m new to this too, but now I have one fewer reason to not get started on my first simple browser game. ā“

So, let me start by saying that initially I didnā€™t actually know what does, and I donā€™t have much experience with message streaming, but I am super interested in Rust and its community, so it stimulated me to do more research. It was initially a thread that showed up on HN linking to a blog post on that got me started. It seems to be targeting Kafka and its ilk, seeking to surpass them in speed, resource usage and convenience (SDK available in 6 languages already!).

Iā€™m grateful for the HN thread because now I want to know more about message streaming, so thanks iggy!

ActivityPub šŸ¤”

So this exposed a part of the web I was only partially aware of: federated social networks. I was aware of Mastodon and Lemmy and had been a Kickstarter supporter of Diaspora way back in the day, so the concept was at least not totally foreign to me, but I had no idea there was an established standard recommendation and a recent one at that (W3C shared it in early 2018).

I donā€™t have much to say other than I like discovering more about parts of the web that are still works in progress, and this was a critical piece that I can reference in the future should I work in the FediVerse.

Cloudflare layoff TikTok šŸ’¢

So I usually donā€™t follow things like this, but the TikTok of the woman recording her own layoff masquerading as a layoff made its way to me via a HN comment. Disgusting.

My main takeaway here is that whoever was responsible for the planning and execution of the Cloudflare layoffs absolutely blew it. If theyā€™re trying to fire her for a lack of performance, there should be some documentation to support it. They had nothing and came off as completely unprepared.

I get it. An RIF is probably horrible for all parties (if you have any soul at all), but the whole thing felt disingenuous and shameful. And then the CEO gave a limp response that reminds me how out of touch C-levels can be. They keep claiming itā€™s a firing, but it feels like just trying to get out of paying severance during a wave of layoffs.

I donā€™t know. Itā€™s a visceral reaction from someone who was laid off in 2023 so shrug?

The End

Thatā€™s it for January 2024. Hereā€™s hoping I learn more in February. Ciao!